An introduction to the theory of complexity
- P: The class of problems that are solvable with limited time and power.
- NP-Hard: The class of problems that need unlimited time or power to be solved.
- NP: The class of problems that given an instance of their solution can be verified in limited time.
- NP-complete: The class of problems that are in NP-Hard class and also are in NP.
Complexity of creation
- Making artificial things is a P-problem.
- God's creation of nature, which cannot be done with limited power of man but is scientifically understandable, is an NP-Complete problem.
- ... and miracles are not in NP!!!

The big question
How God's creation machine works(1)?
- In the beginning there was God and there was nothing. Then at the time we usually call it the Big Bang, he created an NP-solver machine.
Since then, "he just says "be" and it exists" (2). Just a simple reduction, makes creation of nothing more difficult than creation of something else!
For the same reason P /= NP, He is greater than what man can describe.
Believers and nonbelievers
Agnostics: P /=NP xor P=NP
Atheists: P = NP
Theists: P /= NP
So far, mathematician are agnostic to the problem of P==NP, but the Clay Mathematics Institute is offering a $1 million US prize to the first proof to that. I doubt theologists are this passionate for finding a definite answer to the problem of existence of God. Or, maybe that think they have already found it?
Genetic Engineering is an approximation to the creation.
PS1. source of the second image: internet
(1) mostly based on Muslim beliefs.
(2) Quran
۲ نظر:
Very interesting and though provoking. What happened to the second post?
thanks for the interest anni joon.
I have not written the second part yet (but I have it in mind ;)).
give me few days.
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