[previous: God and Computer Science - For Abrahamic believers]
Teaching Evolution
Even if you think you already know what evolution is about, click on the photo to review it with Mrs. Garrison:
When I was a kid I used to think that communists do not believe in God; instead they say that nature creates itself, so Nature is their God! As a result, I used to think Russians worship flowers and trees!
You see, if we don't teach these stuff in the schools, our kids have to learn it somewhere else from each other and it may make them this confused!!!
Each generation gets some features of its parents and adds some changes (mutations) to it. Fitted offspring s have a better chance to survive. Over many generations new species appear.
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms are a class of heuristic search algorithms try to find solutions to the optimization problems. Each generation is called a population. The very first population is called "seed".
Pseudo-code of a genetic algorithm:
- Choose initial population
- Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population
- Repeat until termination
- Select best-ranking individuals to reproduce (2)
- Breed new generation through crossover and mutation and give birth to offspring
- Evaluate the individual fitnesses of the offspring
- Replace worst ranked part of population with offspring
- Select best-ranking individuals to reproduce (2)
I think Nazis were just accelerating stage 3.1 of the algorithm (natural selection) by their "life unworthy of life" designation. Also, this picture illustrates fitness function evaluation in 3.3 in an unnatural way.
The complexity of general problem of creation is still NP-complete. However, an evolutionist believes our world is not perfect yet. Of course, it is very "close to optimal" but is "not optimal" as long as mutations make mistakes like the case I called it God's injustice here.