It is always good to have a smile on your face, every smiling face looks more beautiful ...
but sometimes you should rethink before smiling! To find out why, take a step by step look at my scanning of a random girl in the bus:
1) She has a ring, the ring looks strange and cheap. Anyways, it means she is married.
2) She is writing with her left hand! Woooow, she is lefty.
3) A rainbow on her T-shirt!!! Ooooo, she is gay! smiling to yourself :) so, she may not be married "like what we have in our country"(1).
4) Looking at her T-shirt again: "Smile! if you're gay". Trying to stop your smile :-) -----> :-|
Quiz:"To smile or not to smile?", ...
a- shows your sexual orientation.
b- is your personal preference.
c- you are born this way.
d- if you chose none of the above, then say "YES" on proposition 8.
I think if scientists prove that:
- your sexual orientation is not just your personal preference and you are born the way you are
- people do not catch their sexual orientation from each other
then there will be no need to ask people to vote on a matter like this.
(1) Ahmadinejad: “In Iran, we don't have homosexuals like in your country."